Country Communities Are Not All Peaches & Cream (Part Two)

IMG_1762 (2)As this is an ongoing affair, so should this blog!

We find ourselves living amongst generations of families that have lived and farmed the area and I suppose though their very own stories shared with us, it became apparent that this use to be an old mining area of sorts.

It was made crystal clear to us that we now had the privilege of owning the original homestead in this part of the township and hence the name of the road we live on, came to be.

So, let us look at the behaviour of a few country neighbours:

The first year we were here, we met most property owners that lived along the road that we now reside on. In every circumstance, the people we met were welcoming and appeared to be extremely supportive of us. The fact that as we explained our plans and dreams for our little nudist retreat, these neighbours of ours claimed and chimed in the same response time and time again.

“What you do on your own land is your business and not ours”.

So, what Happened?

Let’s look at some history here first!

One farming family was helped when a cow was found dead and needed a hand with our tractor to pull it out. This same farming family was assisted by us to help vaccinate, tag and neuter the cattle.

Another farming couple, new to the area after our existence was well known, was assisted for weeks with a lame horse that required attention. Every morning we were there to offer our assistance in cleaning and bandaging the wound. This same farming couple asked for us to pick this very animal up by utilizing our horse trailer and vehicle. In the spirit of being neighbourly we assisted without any hesitation.  We drove miles out of our way to help a fellow neighbour.

Yet another neighbour when he was experiencing a plumbing emergency came calling and asking for help, who was there to help? My husband! Was it done for money? No! he did it just because that was the neighbourly thing to do.

And how about the lady with all the ponies, goats and horses that could never seem to get the fencing under control and her animals were a constant on our land. We offered to help on many occasions to fix the problem with her, but she chooses not to have us assist her.

What about the time we were approached by a resident’s family member and was in destress about losing their home back to the bank because their house was in arrears of mortgage payments? Out of the kindness of our naked hearts we loaned them $3000,00 to stop that from happening.

I could go on, but the point I suppose I am trying to make here is that you cannot met two more giving people, but there does come a time when people need to understand that our privacy needs to be respected as well.

So again, what happened?

All that we can assume at this time is that perhaps a few individuals couldn’t handle the fact that when they were coming up our driveway unannounced it was not appreciated and for good reasons. They were subsequently asked not to do so, as them sitting there and staring at our guests and company was unnerving and inappropriate, not to mention some of the inappropriate comments that were being made to our guests as well.

So, out of respect for our company, friends and family, it became necessary to instruct them that this was not acceptable and instructed them that if they wished to be a part of our nudist community then nudity was a requirement and welcomed.

Naturally that is a choice for everyone.

Or perhaps, all the times that they had been welcomed in the past to join in the odd event or special occasion, such as our Elvis Impersonation evening or our neighbour pot luck appreciation night was no longer an option for them.

Again, this is a nudist retreat and unless that was something, they wished to participate in then we would request that they do not attend.

So instead, they have for the duration, sat in shadows of our property and to date continually try and intimidate and unnerve our members.

Or could it just be jealousy?

We clearly recall several of them saying we wouldn’t last a year here.

They figured the horse flies being the size they are, could carry us out of here and being nudists, we were prime pickings for a food source.

The very thought that “hey they are doing very well, and we don’t like it”  comes to mind with the behaviour that has followed in the past two years.

Now after me sharing a few of these circumstances as to our good nature and helpful hands, you can imagine the horror and outrage when we reached out to a local MP at the behest of our MPP in our area.

We receive a letter that berated us about complaints that he has had numerous of, but let us be clear, although we asked for these complaints in order to address these concerns, not one was forthcoming in response.  Instead this Country MP went on an attack about how we should be more neighbourly. This of course coming from an elected official whom we have never met or talked to.

Instead, he further goes onto to make inappropriate comments on Facebook about our beloved ranch. All the while knowing nothing about us.

One just cannot imagine, what goes through the mind of people when it comes to nudity?

This is a choice for some, not all, but the very imaginations and the thought process that comes along with it, is challenging at best.

So how would you like that cream for your peaches?

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