Country Communities Are Not All Peaches & Cream (Part Four)

Just Peachy

This “Red Herring Event” is now days away!

We are contacted by the local municipality notifying us of the event permit process and between ourselves and the event organizers we submit all the proper documentations and fees requested. We are visited by all departments including but not limited to, the heads of the roads department, building inspectors, Fire Chief and both deputy clerk and clerk of the township. All was now in order and a permit was issued to continue with the event. I will say that this process was done very quickly and at that time we felt them very accommodating to the process. This would become the first and last time that this would happen.

What we were unaware of, was these so-called complaints that had gone into the Township by this time, as no one had shared this information with us.

So, I suppose that given that these complaining individuals did not get what they wanted, they took matters into there own hands.

The first night of the event and being that we were the closest house to the event taking place, you can only imagine our surprise upon waking and having numerous people approach us with concerns and experiences that they had encountered that evening.

You see we could not hear any music from within our home coming from the event and in all honesty,  we were pleasantly relieved that the neighbours would likely have not heard anything as well.

What we all found alarming was the antics that a few neighbours were up to during the evening hours and into the wee hours of the Saturday morning.

The people that were attending this event had travelled many miles from throughout Ontario and Quebec, had purchased tickets for this event only to have approximately 40 vehicles stopped and instructed that the event had been cancelled due to us not having had obtained the proper event approvals. Our own members here at the Ranch were even stopped.

Can you imagine!

We were also informed that one angry individual whom was a local resident was stopped at the gate and was not permitted access into the event because they had not purchased a ticket for the event itself. They had to deal with the fact he became verbally abusive and threatening towards the event organizers.

Subsequently, we found that morning that all the directional signs to the Event have been kicked over and or smashed.

Therefore, I spent the better part of Saturday conversing with our local Ontario Provincial Police. We were informed that a noise complaint had been filed by a neighbour, however, when the time came, I had filed official requests for this Occurrence and to our surprise this complaint came from a resident 5.5km away from our location.

Throughout the day and while the officer was still onsite a couple from the area came down the roadway that led into the event area. I had suggested to the officer that he ask them about the sound levels as they were probably one of the closer neighbours to us in distance. It became clear and was noted that they also could not hear the sound from within their home. But they claimed they could hear it from their front porch when they stepped outside. These same people later get involved and tell a whole different story in the months to follow.

We would have also suggested talking perhaps with another neighbour but due to fact he is away for most of the year and was not home this event weekend, that it would only have been a waste of this officer’s valuable time.

So, continuing onwards with our weekend.

The event itself out back and our nudist ranch guests  enjoying some sunshine in peace.

Sunday evening, we all find ourselves in the typical misty evening, which has always been known for on the ever-non-predictable May two-four long weekends.  There were certainly not any torrential downpours to deal with and nothing to hamper any festivities in anyway.

Therefore, on the Monday when all participants of this event were all packed up and leaving the premises a gushing rush of water came flooding across the exit road. As luck would have it and conveniently, I might add, a beaver dam broke on property that is adjacent to our land and flooded the roadway stranding some participants well into the afternoon.

Once again, no proof as to whether this beaver dam had been pulled intentionally or not, but the Police writing it off to the down pour the previous evening was not sitting well with us. The fact remains we have been dealing with enough of this harassment already to know differently.

And unbeknownst to us was about to get a whole lot worse!

“Isn’t that Just Peachy”

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