Country Communities Are Not All Peaches & Cream! Let’s Add A Few Nuts To This Dish! (Part Six)

Peeping tom

Nuts and perverts run amuck without any repercussions!

Throughout the course of the 2017 spring, summer and fall, if we had only had to deal with one responding Ontario Provincial Police detachment within our area, in all honesty I believe we would have been on a first name basis with our local law enforcement.

But sadly, and to our dismay, we have four different responding police detachments for the area that we live in. It was becoming extremely frustrating that we were starting to think that the left hand did not know what the right hand was doing. I will venture a quick guess here and say at a minimum there was at least 10 occurrences filed throughout the course of 2017 to the OPP all with regards to the ongoing harassment that a handful of individuals believed was their obligations to make our lives miserable. The question and reality of it all still to this day escapes us, why has no one or does anyone see that this whole mess is simply over a vendetta of livestock at large?

It reached a point, where the OPP suggested we purchase cameras and have them installed throughout the property. Once again, we followed through with these recommendations.

Now,  being that we are a nudist venue and take the privacy of our membership agreements serious, we had areas of the property where it became necessary to notify our membership of the locations of these cameras as we continually moved them throughout the land.

You see what non-nudists do not understand, we have a wide variety of participants enjoying the au natural lifestyle, people flock here from all walks of life, and because all the bling, glamour and clothing are non existent, no one in their right mind and or capacity would be able to identify perhaps a nurse, a doctor, a lawyer, a police officer, a sanitary engineer and the list goes on. You see when we all get naked and take away what the average everyday person has become accustomed to. It is these very covers of the books that define who we are sometimes.  Well in all reality, it is these very people that have had to endure the mindlessness of these aggressors and it is these same people that have witnessed all that has happened throughout a very uncomfortable and trying ordeal for all involved.

So, let me take you to another day in paradise at the ranch.

It was a beautiful day; the sun was shining and the happiness you feel when you hear laughter of people just relaxing and enjoying a wonderful hot summers day.

Awe, the memory of these days. Keeps our hopes and dreams alive!

I digress 😊

Well, his long weekend and in true form to most long weekends the misfits in the immediate area, decided that it was a great day to cause some trouble for the nudie people as they so affectionately call us.

Now being farmers ourselves, we completely understand and to date had never had any issue with any farmer going about his business of haying his fields, whether he owns the land or not, in all reality we know it must get done when the weather allows for it.

So, maybe we will just strike it all up to coincidence that all long weekends for the last 6 years to this point, seem to be the best time for working the fields.

However, on this long weekend while both my husband and I were elsewhere occupied on the property, the perverts and peepers were in full swing.

You see there was many people just relaxing, chilling and enjoying themselves peacefully on our deck. What broke this peaceful day up, was there were several men on the adjacent property, which I am sure were haying the next-door neighbours’ fields. Fortunately, it has been documented by witness accounts, that these men were peeping through the tree line and screaming out horrendous comments at the company minding the own business. Our people were being verbally assaulted by a few of these individuals and more in particular it was the ladies of the group that were being degraded. From the recount of the experience from many members, one of the husbands of the ladies, approached the fence line to address what their issues were and insisted that they be on their way. I believe it became very aggressive in nature and by the time we had been notified of the confrontation and intervened, it was apparent that these individuals were hostile in nature.

My husband was first on site, and he also had to endure a berating from the same individual whom had earlier that year came up our driveway with accusations of guns. I approached the fence line and instructed everyone of our people to leave and not engage in this any further. I had my camera and just took photos of them while they continued to yell and scream assaults at me. I knew that any form of verbal communication with this type of mindset was just a waste of my time.

The funny thing is that after I had all the photo evidence to be added to the already mounting heaps of reports, photos, statements and evidence. The mentality of these people was to call the police on us and claim we were harassing them for cutting hay and something about kicking up dust.


Well, once again when the Police Officials did come by the very next day, we were all in a discussion as to whether we should ourselves report the incident that occurred the previous day. It was agreed by all that it  would be a  waste anyone’s valuable time and the reality for us was that nothing ever came out of any of the calls anyway. Imagine this, we were all starting to see how we were being ignored and treated by the very people sworn to serve and protect the citizens of this country.

Well as fate would have it, when they did approach us about the call they received, they were not even a bit interested in seeing photographs taken while they were peeping through the bushes, instead, we were cautioned and warned to keep the peace.

What the hell is that?

So, I determined from that day forward I would report everything that these people were up to.

Yes, I know the Police have better things that are more pressing and in honesty the last thing I wanted, was to ever have been placed in this predicament.

So, I guess they will just have to deal with it all moving forward.

MUST is a hard nut to crack, but in the end,  it has a sweet kernel!

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